All Invivo cultures are fermented in accordance with GMP standards. A thorough CIP is performed after each fermentation run to ensure strain purity. All microorganisms are free of molds, yeasts, listeria, E. coli, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, and Shigella to ensure the best quality.
Our scientists believe in cultivating organisms from their natural habitats. Bacillus coagulans has the highest resistance to acid and bile salts. Additionally, it has a high degree of intestinal stability. Additionally, Bacillus subtilis is utilized to improve the health of human and animal guts. B. subtilis can be used as a probiotic to increase immunological activity. Additionally, it defends the body against viruses and promotes digestive health.
In aquaculture and fish farming, Bacillus pumilus strain has been extensively recognized as a probiotic for plants and humans. Bacillus pumilus suffocates marine pathogens. It synthesizes antibacterial and antifungal agents.
Additionally, it improves the quality of water by decomposing complex chemicals.
Invivo offers the most advanced technologies for plant growth. Bacillus velzensis was used for this goal. It is a free-living soil bacterium capable of generating endospores and acting as a biopesticide against a broad range of plant microbial diseases.


It is beneficial for plant growth enhancement and bio control bacteria. Additionally, it absorbs nutrients more efficiently, enhances soil fertility, increases crop output, and protects plants from disease.
Invivo believes in supplying non-toxic, sustainable, and ecologically safe solutions for industrial and institutional advancement. Bacillus megaterium is mostly utilized in laboratories to synthesize a range of proteins and other helpful bio remediation agents. We are currently developing Invivo septic and drain pills and HypoClenz HS to aid in the liquefaction and digestion of grease, fats, oils, and a variety of other organics in the drain and septic tanks. Additionally, Bacillus licheniformis was employed during the industrial revolution to generate pro-teases, amylase's, antibiotics, and a variety of other beneficial compounds for environmental and human health.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is a bacterium genus related to Bacillus, the BamHI restriction enzyme source. It's a type of bio control bacteria that colonizes roots. It can also be beneficial in agriculture and aquaculture for combating some plant root infections. It benefits plants in both soil and hydroponic environments. It activates the plants' natural defense mechanisms.

Bacillus Coagulans

Let us Break it down for you Cultures: